Tuesday, February 06, 2007

For Jess

Today's Craigslist "missed connections" highlights

1- You were leaving the station and I was entering. We locked eyes a few times while we were passing each other on the escalator. You were a brunette, and I was wearing a black hooded jacket. I wanted to get back on the escalator and follow you up. I truly regret not trying to talk to you. I don't imagine you'll find this, but if you do, I would love to know who you are.

Good luck everyone.

(you were a brunette and i was wearing a black jacket? thats half the frickin city)

2- I was carrying two dumbbells; you offered to let me cut you in line. I should have offered to buy you lunch. You were very sweet, I'd love the chance to see you again.

(ok, this one is a little more specific... It is titled, by the way "Cute Girl at Wal-Mart. good to know where i go next time i have a late night craving for dumbbells)

3- Hey buddy. You really should call Jen today to see how she is feeling. Wondering if you took the right advice and ended it with her. Just curious. Get back to me since I am unable to email you at this time. I left Mariah a message to.
Any good concerts this week?????? I don't think Jen will be going to hers this week.....poor little angel.

(wow, way to hang out the laundry to dry)

4- Everything you do and say are done with a methodical intentions to hurt me or play me like a fool. You said yourself you say things just to hurt me and leaving things openly for me to see. You never wanted this to work. If so you wouldn't be fucking another or others as I have known since the beginning. Have them, Have her...hope she can give you what I can't. Remember as well you only get respect when you give respect.
I'll take of myself (go get tested) and the family (court.custody and child support). Your not all that buddy, I'll know I can find a nicer man and surely a more well endowed one as well with a real job and real ambition.
Good luck.

(because passive aggression lives on the internet)

ah, other people's misfortune amuses me so much more than it should. i need to start scouring this thing for dialogue ideas.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

HOLY CRAP! Those are freaking WEIRDDDDD.

I'm gonna leave one like this -

"You were a hot punk rock Mormon guy, I'm a cute Mormon gal. I saw you on the T - don't know which line. Let's get married."