Wednesday, February 07, 2007


is awesome. but it does not taste good. why am i regressing to high school? ok, to be fair, i am not medicating depression this time, but a chest cold. still, i am concerned that given another week of this i may not be able to sleep without it. and nyquil is expensive stuff, man. so it's starting to kick in, but a couple of random thoughts (in bullet point form, because i've been told that THAT is all i need to do in order for things to be more clear WTF)

*i just spent an INCREDIBLY long T commute home mostly with a very interesting man named rudy who (a)asked me if i understood after every drunken obviousness he uttered (b) told me i was obviously a smart girl, or i think thats what he meant by 'i can tell you're not a dumb dumb just by looking at you" (c) however, also by looking at me thought i was 29 and 5'4, so perhaps he was wrong about the other thing as well (c) asked me if i wanted children, then answered no for me, saying i was probably the career type (a phrase he choked on like whiskey down the wrong pipe) (d) and told me that there were a lot of vietnamese people in my neighborhood, but that the hispanics were everywhere and that he thinks there should be laws about how many children people can have. delightful travel companion.

*i will never EVER have a dinner that prevents me from retrieving my car on a Wednesday again, no matter how delightful the companionship. i really did not remember the commute by T being so horrible at 1am.

*i realized something about myself. i am a shittaker... no, not a shittalker, well maybe that too, but i digress. i do what i think is necessary to make other people happy in the blind hope that it will be returned. this applies to essentially every avenue of my life. i acquire abusive relationships like stamps in a backpacker's passport. some people think you need to get hit to be in an abusive relationship. those people have probably never quit the same job three times.

that's all. ok, i think the taste is worth it.

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