Monday, May 22, 2006

someday i'll start using titles

this is not a hostage situation
exactly the opposite...
we demand that you release all of the hostages
from the shackles of media message fueled
by age old beaurocracies designed
to keep the cogs in place

we refuse to be cogs anymore

the machine cannot work once the gears stop
and we are pulling the plug

here is our list of demands

we demand that the media that informs us
ELEVATE us and
EMPOWER us to EMPOWER others

we demand that fat white american men
in suits stop telling us how COOL it is
to be skinny and glowing tan while
eating McDonalds
smoking Newports
and wearing Tommy Hilfiger jeans

we demand that the corporately owned government
stop using mind control to
make us believe that we are safe by
scaring us into letting THEM
protect us

we demand that the same government stop using
the media and the illusion of democracy to
facilitate genocide of our youth

we demand real education for all people
regardless of origin, race, creed, or wealth

we demand an information audit of Washington DC
so that we can become informed consumers of
political bullshit

we know how to play the game
but hopscotch is for kids
and we've grown up

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